Melina Georgousakis

Founder, Franklin Women
Melina is a research scientist in vaccine development and policy, a social enterprise founder and advocate for innovation and equality in the sciences.
She completed her Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Queensland followed by honours and PhD at The Queensland Institute of Medical Research where she researched novel approaches to vaccine design and delivery. After a sabbatical in India, Melina became interested in the intersect between product development and use, and joined the policy team at National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance which provides technical advice to the Australian Commonwealth Department of Health on Australia’s immunisation policies.
Melina is a passionate advocate for collaboration, diversification and innovation within the health and medical research sector, as well increasing the representation of women in leadership positions, both with the aim of maximising the economic and health outcomes from research. She is the founder a social enterprise, Franklin Women, which aims to create a health and medical research sector where women thrive.