David Rowe

Investment Principal, 1835i
David is a business builder with over 25 years experience, who is passionate about the innovation ecosystem, with hands-on experience scaling new opportunities and emerging businesses across ICT, mobile, clean-tech, biotech and edtech.
He has capital raising and venture capital experience from three perspectives: corporate development while at Microsoft/Pearson; early stage venture investment at Uniseed – Australia’s oldest commercialisation fund; and operational leadership and management at VC-backed edtech, Smart Sparrow (which was spun out of UNSW, scaled to AU and US, then sold to Pearson).
His deep technical background includes first-class honours in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and a Doctorate in Computer Systems Architecting. This is augmented with a Master of Finance, and deep commercial experience.
David is Head of Ventures at 1835i, ANZ’s strategic innovation and investment partner.